Monday, August 6, 2012

Learning With Fun

Since I was in the primary school, I noticed that teachers have different way to deliver the information to students. The most important way was making jokes. I still remember how kids loved those teachers  and their classes; On the other hand, they were just afraid from teachers with frown faces.

It doesn't mattar if the teacher waste three minutes to let the students be happy, ready, and even excited to receive the information.

That's what I have found here in St. John's University; all the fucalty mermbers have the sense of humor.
I hope I will find the same thing at Florida Institute of Technology, where I'm going to be after this enjoyable Pre- Academic.


  1. I hope you find that all your teachers have a sense of humor, but as with teachers everywhere, there will be some who are funny and some who are not. I'm sure you'll be able to learn from all of them, though.

    1. Yes, I hope to and I have to learn from all of them. Thank you professor.

  2. How did put the photo on? That is clever ^_^ ....
