Saturday, August 4, 2012


life in manhattan is really amazing in the sens that each and every day its brings something that makes it more enjoyable . Being driven by this desire to discover more the city of New York , I and some friends decided to go the pretigious madison square garden .
On our way we decided to stop at a place where everyone could get something to eat . As for me , eating was not a big deal , but I wanted to have a wonderful and fresh beer .Unfornately the first place was not convenient for us so we decided to go another one . Having reached the place , came the time to make orders and since my order was somehow special and different I took my time to look around and  find what could be ok with me . Unfortunately, I could not see anything but suddenly something called ``ROOT BEER`` attracted my attention and I went like woow this is exactly what I`m looking for . So I paid my bill and joined the friends with my fresh ``ROOT BEER``  in my hand .When the time of tasting this new discovery came , I was so surprised to find out that this beer was so sweet that I started questionning its qualification . I went futher in the checking to find out that it had 0percent of alcohol and that is where my great expectations turned into disappointment .Anyway  a lutta continua victoria lecerta !


  1. At least you learned something! Did you actually see an event at the Garden, or did you just wander around the outside?

    1. I got to be part of this experience that Herve had, along with Denny, Diego and Aneta. We couldn't control our laughing and we even got to integrate a person we didn't know to the conversation.

      We just wandered around the Madison Square Garden but we all agreed that it was not the best experience, maybe as you say, if we have had the chance to see an event it would've been a different experience.

  2. Hi. I'm a teacher of another group in your program. Your anecdote is really entertaining. It never occurred to me that visitors from other countries might think that root beer was alcoholic, but of course it's perfectly logical. Thanks for allowing me to reflect on my own language.

    Marcia Biederman
